‘Tis the season when many families are making their list and checking it twice, not for toys, however, but for packing! The busiest travel season is upon us with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years just days or weeks away.

When you, as parents, are packing for you and your family, especially if you are traveling with children, does your brain hurt when you sit down to think about how many extra charges will be racked up by the airlines just for bringing items needed for your child?

As a seasoned traveler and parent, I understand the stress of packing, the worry about how much it is going to cost to check my Pack-n-Play so my daughter can sleep, or trying to think about getting the massive jogging stroller through security. These are things, as parents, we worry about when we are traveling. What if I told you that you could take those stresses away from an already heightened stressful situation?

Pack Lighter – Thanks to BabyQuip

This is the convenience of BabyQuip! BabyQuip was founded by parents who also understood the struggle and saw a need and filled it! This company has made traveling so much easier as a family! Now when you are planning a trip around the United States and want to pack lighter, look through their inventory to see how they can provide the equipment you need for your child, contact them with your travel destination information, and you are set!

For my family and me, this was a game-changer! I travel a lot without my spouse and just with my 3-year-old daughter, so getting the car packed up for a road trip or packing for a flight can be a daunting task, to say the least. Then to wrap my mind around having the baby strapped to my front, backpack on my back, car seat in one hand and our combined suitcase in the other with the pack-n-play balancing on top of the roller bag (true story – this happened to me last year) and doing it all alone…it is rough.

BabyQuip – Baby Equipment Rental

Then we found BabyQuip! Now I can make my reservations with BabyQuip for whatever equipment I am going to need for my travels, arrive at the airport with just our bags and the baby, and off we go! I’ve had my rental items arrive at the airport, the car rental location, my hotel room, or even at my friend’s house I was staying at for a few days!

This company has become a huge lifesaver for me during my travels, and I can see how with more children or children of younger ages how this service could be a huge asset to families traveling.

What brought me great peace of mind is the company’s insurance on every single item they keep in their inventory and that every provider that is hired on by BabyQuip is sent through intense and vigorous training on safety as well as customer service.

Selecting Quality Providers

Each provider is trained on and kept informed on every recall for baby items to ensure that every item they rent out has been verified, certified, and approved for child use through several safety channels. Each piece of equipment is checked and cleaned before and after it is rented out to a customer. The measures this company has taken to ensure peace of mind for the parents who are using this service and also for the providers who are renting out the equipment to parents.

The service that sealed the deal for me was the ability to rent toys! I have a very large family, with lots and lots of children, and last year I went to a family reunion where there was a host of children and nothing to keep them entertained. The first two days were a nightmare, I finally had enough and set up a large package of toys through BabyQuip to be delivered to our villa we had rented (like I said…big family), so the kids could have something to keep them entertained. It was fabulous! I was able to have an adult conversation with my family without being interrupted every 30-seconds (parents you know what I’m talking about).

This is one of many reasons why I enjoy using BabyQuip during my travels, but the main reason is the enormous peace of mind I have because I know I won’t have to haul around everything alone. I can travel with ease thanks to a brilliant company that was made by parents, for parents to ensure that families don’t miss out on traveling and adventures just because they faced an obstacle or stress due to traveling with children of a young age. Now families all around the US have the freedom to travel to their heart’s content!

Check out our ‘Essential Tips for Taking a Road Trip with Kids‘, and ‘Your Stress-Free Guide How to Travel with Toddlers‘.

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