Boston Dragon Boat Festival

11junAll Day13Boston Dragon Boat Festival

Event Details

The Boston Dragon Boat Festival honors Chinese poet and patriot Qu Yuan. What started as a small festival, grew up in the largest water festival ever. It attracts 200 000 and more spectators each year.

The Boston Dragon Boat Festival starts with a beautiful flower ceremony, followed by dance and martial arts demonstrations. You can watch Chinese Yoyo, Philipino and Indian dance performed by artists from China and other countries.

The central part of the event is the race. Apart from the central race, there are specific categories such as Community, Corporate, Women’s, Youth, Cancer Survivor, etc. The two-day festival offers plenty of exciting and unique activities and is appropriate for all ages.

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june 11 (Sunday) - 13 (Tuesday)


John W. Weeks Footbridge

John W. Weeks Bridge, Cambridge, MA 02163, United States

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